OISE Statement on Open Access

As a global leader in teaching and learning, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto is committed to “enhancing the social, economic, political and cultural wellbeing of individuals and communities locally, nationally and globally.”  To support this goal, OISE is dedicated to increasing access to its research and scholarship, ensuring that it is made widely and publicly available and benefits scholars, educators, policymakers, and other individuals worldwide. The OISE Statement on Open Access encourages all members of the OISE community to make their research outputs readily and openly accessible, mobilizing knowledge in a strategic manner.

OISE's Statement on Open Access encourages members of the OISE community to make the results of their research readily and openly accessible. 

Following extensive consultations with the OISE community, OISE Faculty Council first unanimously adopted the first OISE Open Access Policy Statement in March 2012 (below). Revisions to the Policy Statement were approved by OISE’s Research Standing Committee in March 2019.

For more information about how Open Access impacts you, please contact Jenaya Webb or the University of Toronto Libraries' Scholarly Communications & Copyright Office.