About the OISE Library

Globe on left, shelf collection on centre, OHEC room on right

The relationships between research, theory, and practice require a unique collection of library resources and services. The library of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto is the largest academic education library in Canada. Our staff and collections support teacher training, graduate studies, professional development, and research and teaching in the field of education. Our collections include the Children's Literature Collection, the Curriculum Resources Collection, the Ontario Histocial Education Collections, and the main Research Collection (Stacks). In addition to our specialized collections, staff at the OISE Library are engaged in providing in-depth research services, customized library instruction, and support for all aspects of research, teaching, and learning for the OISE community, education practitioners, and the public.

In-person tours

 To book a tour for yourself or a group, please contact oise.library@utoronto.ca 

Policies and guidelines

The OISE Library's policies are designed to provide all library users with a comfortable and pleasant environment, and to preserve collections, computer equipment and furnishings:

Photograph credits

Photographs on the OISE Library website by Marcos Armstrong, Gordon Belray, and Carl Chan.