The Ground Floor of the OISE Library may be booked for academic, OISE-sponsored events such as conferences, talks, and panel discussions. The space can accommodate up to 120 people for seated lectures or 250 standing. The library can only be booked during regular library hours.
Step 1: Are you eligible?
- Events must be academic in nature (e.g. conferences, research fairs, etc.) Regularly scheduled classes or social events such as a departmental party will not be approved.
- Only OISE-sponsored events will be approved. OISE sponsored events must be:
- For the OISE community,
- Coordinated by staff or faculty from an OISE department,
- Attended by at least one coordinator from the sponsoring OISE department, and
- Approved by departmental chair.
- Events may only be scheduled on days when the Library is open and organizers should plan to wrap up 30 minutes prior to library close. See the OISE Library Hours.
- Eligible events will have minimum sound levels as library users continue to use quiet study spaces in adjacent areas of the Library during these events.
- Events must be requested two months prior to the request date. Submitting a request does not guarantee the event space. A confirmation email will be sent to confirm your booking.
Step 2: Review Library events policy
- To ensure that your event is eligible and complies with Library policies, review the Ground Floor Booking Policy.
Step 3: View booking schedule
- To ensure the Library is available on the day of your event, view the OISE Library events schedule.
- The library can only be booked during regular library hours.
Step 4: Fill out the Ground Floor Booking Request Form
- Complete the request form (see PDF below), including the signature of Department Chair / Head and submit completed form to
- Submitting a request does not guarantee the event space. A confirmation email will be sent to confirm your booking.
- Ground floor booking request form