Software and supports

Research software

  • NVivo software is designed to help researchers organize, code, and analyze qualitative and mixed methods research data. NVivo 12 is under site license at the University of Toronto and is available to current faculty, staff, and students at no cost. Get NVivo here.
  • Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews.  It supports citation screening, full text review, risk of bias assessment, extraction of study characteristics and outcomes, and the export of data and references. It is available to the U of T community. Get Covidence here

Workshops for research tools

U of T Libraries workshops

The University of Toronto Libraries offer a wide range of research focused workshops covering everything from systematic reviews, citation management, publishing strategies, and book clubs. Find out more about current offerings and register at the U of T Libraries Workshops Calendar.

OISE research design and analysis workshops

We're lucky at OISE to have additional supports for research design and analysis workshops. These workshops focus on qualitative and quantitative data analysis software tools such as NVivo, SPSS, Stata, and more. Find the current offerings and register at the Research Design & Analysis Workshops page.