Not sure what’s in the Ontario Historical Education Collections (OHEC) at OISE Library, or how they could be helpful to you as a student or researcher?
Join our drop-in Zoom information sessions on October 25th from 1pm-3pm and November 8th from 11am-1pm! We’ll answer any questions you have about the OHEC’s materials, including how to search for items in the catalogue and how to book an appointment to view them. The OHEC isn’t accessible for browsing, but during the Zoom session we’ll provide a sneak peek into this closed-door collection!
No registration is required. You can join the session at either of the above times through this link: https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/89192305978
In the meantime, learn more about the OHEC by checking out our library guide here: https://uoft.me/aX2